Commercium Epistularum Latinum Europaeum

Commercium Epistularum Latinum Europaeum a SEPTIMANIS LATINIS EVROPAEIS (Europäische Lateinwochen e.V., Frankfurt / Main, Germany) instituitur. Te invitamus, ut commercium epistularum Latinum cum aliis hominibus totius Europae ineas. Utere hac occasione aliis discipulis, studiosis, linguae Latinae amatoribus diversarum nationum Latine scribendi, novos homines cognoscendi novasque amicitias per litteras condendi!

Tibi offerimus, si tua quoque commercium epistularum Latinum incohare interest, ut tibi aliorum hominum inscriptiones cursuales mittamus, qui tibi Latine respondere parati sint. Ut hoc fieri possit, formam inscriptionis explere nobisque mittere debebis. Participatio gratuita est.

Si quidem linguam Latinam in schola doces, etiam cum classibus scholaribus tuis Commercium Epistularum Latinum Europaeum participare poteris. Hoc casu tibi inscriptiones cursuales aliorum magistrorum mittemus, qui classes circiter aequales doceant. Quapropter rogamus, ut aetatem discipulorum in schedula inscriptoria indices.

De inscriptione tua ad Commercium Epistularum Latinum Europaeum valde gaudebimus.

The European Latin Penfriends

The European Latin Penfriends are organized by SEPTIMANAE LATINAE EVROPAEAE (Europäische Lateinwochen e.V., Frankfurt / Main, Germany). We invite you to be penfriends with other people in all Europe. Use this opportunity to write in Latin to other pupils, students, and other people interested in Latin, to know other people by means of letters and to make friends with them.

If you, too, are interested in beginning a correspondence in Latin, we offer you the addresses of other interested people ready to reply in Latin. To do this, you only have to fill in and send the application form. Enrolment is free of charge.

If you teach Latin at school, you can enrol in the European Latin Penfriends with your classes. In this case, we shall give you addresses of teachers who teach classes of approximately the same age. Therefore, we ask you to indicate the age of your pupils on the application form.

We shall be delighted about your enrolment for the European Latin Penfriends.